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Predicting Through Text Features


3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Review of Content or Skill
/  Preview and Engage


Predicting Through Text Features handout, display, text excerpt, and writing utensils
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Students analyze text features and details to predict content and meaning.


Select a text excerpt from Britannica School or Britannica Library that is rich in text features and connects to your learning objective, theme, or unit of study.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Distribute or display the Predicting Through Text Features handout. Review the instructions on the handout, explaining that students will analyze text features (e.g., titles, headings, bold words, first sentences, vocabulary) to predict content. Display the chosen text throughout the activity for reference. Have students work independently to complete the handout, and then pair them to discuss their observations before any whole-class sharing.

Teaching Tips

  • Model the process first using a different text that contains rich details, matches students’ reading levels, and includes helpful text features such as headings or bold words.
  • For alternatives to the accompanying handout, consider using the Teach Britannica Making Predictions graphic organizer.
  • To extend the activity, repeat over several days using books with similar themes, characters, or authors to help students build connections and strengthen predictions.

Supporting All Learners

For students needing support: Highlight key words or phrases to focus on, and provide guiding questions such as “What does the title tell us?” or “What important words are repeated?”

For advanced learners: Ask students to make connections among multiple text features or analyze the author’s word choice.

For multilingual learners: Pre-teach key vocabulary, provide translations of important terms, and create bilingual word banks with sentence frames such as “I think…,” “This suggests…,” “The text shows…” Provide students with a printed copy of the text and allow them to annotate the text in their home languages.

Note: Provide accommodations and modifications based on your learners’ needs to ensure full participation.