

Britannica Education logo in blue square


Story Cubes


K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Review of Content or Skill
/  Creative Expression and Communication
Check for Understanding
/  Self-Assessment and Reflection


Story Cube Template handout, clear tape, and writing utensils
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Students create story cubes with unit concepts, and then roll and share quick microstory connections to their learning.


Select a central theme or concept from your current unit of study. Create a sample cube to demonstrate expectations for the class.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Explain that students will work in pairs or small groups for 10 minutes to create and share story cubes. Distribute a Story Cube Template to each pair or group of students, and explain to students how they will spend the 10 minutes: During the first 3 minutes, each group will sketch images or words that relate to the unit theme on their cube faces. They’ll spend the next 5 minutes cutting, folding, and constructing their cubes. In the final 2 minutes, groups will roll their cubes with neighboring teams. When a face lands up, students will share a microstory (lasting no more than 30 seconds) by first describing what’s on their cube face, then connecting it to the unit concept, and finally explaining why they included that particular element on their cube.

Teaching Tips

  • Model the activity by showing the pre-made cube with examples and demonstrating the 30-second share. For example: “We drew a water cycle diagram with arrows. This shows evaporation from our weather unit because it demonstrates how water changes from liquid to gas. We included this since it helped us understand why puddles disappear after rain.”
  • For younger students, consider cutting out the cubes and filling in the content ahead of time.

Supporting All Learners

For students needing additional support: Provide a word or image bank related to the unit, and consider preparing story cubes ahead of time with images and key terms from Britannica School, Britannica Library, or ImageQuest.

For advanced learners: Challenge students to create interconnected microstories between faces of the cube.

For multilingual learners: Pair students with supportive language-proficient peers and allow them to label their story cubes in both their home languages and English.

Note: Provide accommodations and modifications based on your learners’ needs to ensure full participation.