Effective Search Queries

Start with broad searches and gradually narrow. Use thesaurus tools or subject headings. Try synonyms and related keywords. Use Boolean operators to refine searches. Save useful articles and strategies. Review results for relevance and credibility. Using too many terms at once, or using overly specific terms, which can limit results Ignoring helpful database features such […]

Mastering Collegiate-Level Note-Taking

Develop a consistent note-taking system. Focus on understanding, not just recording. Create clear visual hierarchies. Review and revise regularly. Practice active recall during review. Trying to record everything verbatim Using inconsistent formatting Neglecting regular review Relying excessively on technology Missing key concepts while recording details 1. Evaluate current note-taking practices and identify areas for improvement. […]

Primary and Secondary Sources

Start with your discipline’s research guides to identify appropriate sources. Create a systematic source evaluation process. Maintain organized research notes for both primary and secondary sources. Map connections between sources as you research. Document all sources thoroughly from the start. Follow field-specific citation guidelines consistently. Relying on only one type of source Neglecting to evaluate […]

Strategies for Deep Reading

Comparison of Reading Passes Pass Focus Action 1st Main Ideas Skim for text structure and key points. 2nd Detailed Comprehension Engage in slow, careful reading accompanied by note-taking. 3rd Critical Analysis Evaluate arguments and extrapolate supporting evidence. 4th Synthesis Connect ideas across sections, and establish bridges to external sources. Engage in active pre-reading by skimming […]

Mastering the Literature Review

Take detailed notes while reading through your sources. Be metacognitive: Ask critical questions about the author’s arguments and evidence. Evaluate the structure and logic of sources’ arguments. Ensure cited sources contribute to understanding the research problem. Create a flowchart of the literature review process for organization. Relying too heavily on one or few sources, leading […]

Source Credibility, Reliability, and Bias

Types of Information Sources Source Type Definition Example Primary Sources Firsthand, original accounts of a topic; authoritative sources representing original thinking the researcher can interpret •Artifacts •Scholarly journals •Documents •Diaries •Manuscripts •Autobiographies •Recordings •Interviews •Speeches •Case laws •Legislation •Statistical data Secondary Sources Sources that summarize, interpret, analyze, or comment on information found in primary sources […]

The Right Cite

Citation Style Quick Reference Guide Citation Style and Common Disciplines Format Citation Examples List Name APA (American Psychological Association) social sciences, business, psychology, anthropology, sociology, education, economics, and criminology Paraphrase: (Author, Date) Direct quote: (Author, Date, Page) Paraphrase: (Smith, 2006) Direct quote: (Smith, 2006, p. 14) Reference List MLA (Modern Language Association) humanities, English literature, […]

Crafting Effective Research Questions

Be specific and avoid vague language. Ensure questions are sufficiently complex for in-depth exploration. Choose questions that engage both you and your audience. Seek feedback from instructors or peers. Frame questions to address potential counterarguments. Consider the scalability of your research question for future studies. Scalability in research questions refers to the potential for your […]

The Research Process

Comparison of Research Methods METHOD DESCRIPTION BEST USED FOR EXAMPLE Quantitative Collects numerical data for statistical analysis Large-scale studies, testing hypotheses Surveys with closed-ended questions Qualitative Collects non-numerical data for interpretive analysis Exploring complex phenomena, generating theories In-depth interviews, focus groups Mixed Methods Combines quantitative and qualitative approaches Comprehensive understanding of complex issues Survey followed […]