

Britannica Education logo in blue square


Question of the Day


K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Review of Content or Skill
/  Preview and Engage
Check for Understanding


Question of the Day handout, display, writing utensils
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Students respond to a thought-provoking question to review previous content or preview upcoming material.


Create a compelling question that aligns with your desired learning objective, theme, or unit of study.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Tell students that they will respond to a question. Display the question where students can see it as they enter the classroom, or distribute the Question of the Day handout to each student. Give students quiet time to think and write independently, and then invite students to turn and talk with a partner to share responses.

Teaching Tips

  • The question should accomplish one or more of these goals: review content from the previous day to build connections, draw on students’ personal experiences to increase engagement, preview upcoming material to spark curiosity, or encourage critical thinking to deepen understanding.
  • For younger students, invite them to think about and share their responses aloud or by drawing instead of writing.

Supporting All Learners

For students needing additional support: Provide sentence frames and allow alternative response formats such as drawings or bullet points.

For advanced learners: Incorporate probing follow-up questions and encourage students to analyze counterarguments. Ask them to connect concepts to real-world applications to deepen understanding.

For multilingual learners: Invite students to preview essential vocabulary and allow them to brainstorm in their home languages. Use visual support and partner discussions before individual writing to help students develop and articulate their ideas.

Note: Provide accommodations and modifications based on your learners’ needs to ensure full participation.