

Britannica Education logo in blue square


Quick Write


3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Creative Expression and Communication
/  Review of Content or Skill
Self-Assessment and Reflection


Quick Write handout, display, and writing utensils
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Students journal freely to improve memory retention, develop creative thinking skills, and practice self-regulation.


Prepare Quick Write booklets with 5–10 pages of the Quick Write handout, or plan to use a student composition book.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Invite students to journal for 8–10 minutes in their Quick Write booklets about a displayed prompt or about a topic or image of their choosing. When time is up, have students put their pencils down—reminding them that stopping mid-story is perfectly okay. Then have students pair-share one detail from their work that they are particularly proud of.

Teaching Tips

  • Consider setting a positive tone by sharing your own brief journal entry first, demonstrating that even teachers engage in the writing process and sometimes leave thoughts unfinished.
  • Emphasize that journals are personal spaces—students should feel empowered to decide what they want to share with peers or teachers. Consider having a simple signal system (such as a folded corner page) for entries they prefer to keep private.
  • Invite students to sketch a topic of their choice instead of writing. Consider referring to Teach Britannica instructional strategies for drawing and sketching, such as Draw It, Write It or Draw to Understand.

Supporting All Learners

For students needing support: Provide specific prompts using Britannica School or Britannica Library articles, images, or videos to help them get started.

For advanced learners: Encourage the use of figurative language.

For multilingual learners: Offer the option of journaling in their home languages and/or drawing a journal response.

Note: Provide accommodations and modifications based on your learners’ needs to ensure full participation.