

Britannica Education logo in blue square


Write a Question


K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Preview and Engage
/  Creative Expression and Communication
Check for Understanding
/  Self-Assessment and Reflection


Write a Question handout and writing utensils
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Students write questions that correspond to a provided answer.


Select an answer that connects to your content area as well as the learning objective, theme, or unit of study (e.g., a number related to a math problem, a vocabulary word, an image, a vocabulary term). Display the answer for students to see, or fill it in on the Write a Question handout.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Begin by telling students that they will write a question to correspond with a provided answer. Explain the task by giving an example (e.g., If the answer is “blue,” some possible questions might be “How do you feel today?” or “What color is the sky?”). Prompt students to share additional questions that elicit the provided answer. Distribute the Write a Question handout to students, and direct their attention to the displayed answer (if it is not already on the handout). Conclude with a whole-class sharing session.

Teaching Tips

  • The answer provided should review content from the previous day or preview upcoming material.
  • To extend the activity, choose a relevant background article from Britannica School or Britannica Library.
  • Consider giving each student a sticky note instead of a handout or encouraging younger students to draw instead of write.

Supporting All Learners

For students needing additional support: Lead a guided think-aloud to generate questions to a few given answers before assigning the independent task.

For advanced learners: Challenge students to come up with different types of questions for the provided answer (e.g., fill-in-the-blank, open-ended, multiple choice).

For multilingual learners: Invite students to preview vocabulary and allow them to brainstorm questions in their home languages. Partner students with supportive peers to complete the handout.

Note: Provide accommodations and modifications based on your learners’ needs to ensure full participation.