Advanced Proficiency: Support students in expressing sophisticated positions using academic language, starting with clear opinion statements in both languages. For younger students, help them move from simple agreement/disagreement to reasoned positions (e.g., from “I agree” to “I support this position because the evidence shows…”). For older students, guide them in expressing nuanced stances using academic phrases (e.g., “While I generally support this view, I think we need to consider…” or “This position is valid to an extent; however,…”). When responding to peers, encourage students to reference others’ arguments using sophisticated transitions (e.g., “Building on Maria’s point about environmental impact, I’d also add that…”). Help students draw on their cultural knowledge to enrich discussions (e.g., a student might explain, “In my community, we approach this issue differently because…” or “This reminds me of a similar debate in my home country, where…”). Model how to respectfully acknowledge opposing viewpoints using academic language (e.g., “I understand your perspective about…, but I’ve observed that…”).