Instructional Strategy

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3-5, 6-8, 9-12, UNIV


Discuss & Collaborate
/ Develop Language (MLL)



During reading


Preselected text
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


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© Nataliia Prachova— iStock/ Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
The Jigsaw strategy provides students with an opportunity to engage in reading while promoting collaboration skills. Students become “experts” on a specific topic or section of the reading and then share knowledge with their peers.
Curved arrows forming square in orange on white background


Select the text students will examine, and divide it into an appropriate number of sections for the number of groups of students who will be working.
Group students into “expert” groups (typically between three and five students), and assign each group a section or portion of the material to examine. The same section of material can be assigned to more than one expert group.
Share that students will work with their expert groups to read and evaluate the material assigned to their group, becoming experts on the topic so that they can teach the information to their peers.
Explain any expectations regarding the focus and type of information students should present to their peers. This can be done through organizers, note-catchers, or guiding questions. Reinforce that all members will be responsible for teaching their classmates, so it is essential that all students in the group understand the topic and information. As students work, circulate the room and check in with students as they work. Provide timely and specific feedback to clarify misconceptions and answer questions that arise. Not only does this ensure expert groups do not share inaccurate information, but it can also encourage engagement and equity of voice.
After expert groups have had enough time to gather their information, assign students to “home” groups. A home group should include at least one member from each expert group so that all sections are represented.
Share that students will take turns teaching their classmates about their section. Students should complete any organizers, charts, or note-catchers as their classmates share.
Consider assigning home groups a task that requires them to synthesize the information learned, as this increases accountability and collaboration.
Expanding arrows icon in white on purple background


Intentional Grouping: Organize students in homogeneous groups, and assign material based on potential barriers of access, such as degree of content difficulty, reading level, length of assigned reading, vocabulary knowledge, and English language proficiency. Alternatively, organize students in heterogeneous groups, and provide peer mentors or leaders to support students with successfully completing the task.
Advanced Experts: Organize students with advanced analytical and discussion skills into homogenous expert groups. After briefly summarizing the text, students focus on exercising higher-order thinking skills in relation to the Jigsaw focus, such as examining, comparing and contrasting, problem solving, critiquing, and designing.

Multilingual Learning Support

Beginning Proficiency: Pre-teach essential vocabulary and provide students with bilingual content summaries. Use L1-L2 (home language and English language) word banks for key terms and simplified graphic organizers. Create expert groups with same-language peers for initial comprehension, allowing students to process content in their home language before transitioning to English for home group sharing. Provide sentence frames in both languages for sharing information (e.g., “This section explains…” / “An important point is…”).
Intermediate Proficiency: Support students’ academic language development through structured expert group discussions. Provide content-specific language frames for both comprehension and presentation. Create bilingual glossaries for domain-specific vocabulary and transition words needed for explaining concepts. Include language supports for synthesizing information and asking clarifying questions (e.g., “This connects to…because…” / “Could you explain how…?”).
Advanced Proficiency: Focus on the sophisticated academic discourse students need for teaching peers and facilitating discussions. Provide support for complex language functions like comparing viewpoints, analyzing relationships between concepts, and drawing conclusions. Incorporate academic vocabulary for metacognitive strategies (e.g., “This perspective suggests…”) and higher-order thinking (e.g., “When we synthesize these ideas…”). Support students in developing professional presentation skills while maintaining content accuracy.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Whole-Class Home Group: Instead of using home groups, organize students into expert groups, and invite each group to share their summaries and analysis in a whole-class setting. Ask expert groups to write their summary and analysis using bullets on chart paper and display it as they present to the class.
Jigsaw Rounds: Organize the information-sharing portion of the Jigsaw into multiple rounds. In the first round, assign each student in one expert group to move to one of the other expert groups to share their learning. Repeat this procedure until each expert group has shared their learning with the other expert groups. Consider regrouping the class in between each round to engage students in a brief reflection on what they learned from their experts.
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