Instructional Strategy

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Roll and Practice Vocabulary


K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Acquire Vocabulary
< 20



Before and after reading


Preselected vocabulary list, Roll and Practice Dice Cards, whiteboard or display, writing utensil
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Blue dice with white dots on light blue background.
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Roll and Practice Vocabulary is an interactive teaching strategy that enhances vocabulary acquisition through a dice-based game. Students work in groups, drawing words and performing tasks determined by dice rolls, such as defining terms, using them in sentences, or identifying synonyms. This approach promotes comprehensive vocabulary learning by engaging multiple skills and learning styles. The game format encourages active participation, peer learning, and immediate feedback, making vocabulary practice both effective and enjoyable. By combining chance, collaboration, and diverse word interactions, this strategy helps students deepen their understanding and improve their ability to use new vocabulary in various contexts.
Curved arrows forming square in orange on white background


Prepare the Vocabulary
Prepare a list of vocabulary words for the game that aligns with your desired learning outcome. Depending on the age and grade of students, the number of words on a given vocabulary list may vary, but typically ranges from five to 10.
Write the vocabulary words on individual slips of paper and place a full set of the words in a container for each group of students playing the game.
Review the die’s assignments with the students: 1 = Define the word / 2 = Use the word in a sentence / 3 = Say a synonym for the word / 4 = Say an antonym for the word / 5 = Draw a picture representing the word / 6 = Act out the word.
Introduce the Activity
Divide the students into small groups or pairs and distribute a Roll and Practice Dice Card to each group or pair.
The students in each group take turns drawing a word from the container.
The first student in the group rolls the die.
Based on the number rolled, the student performs the corresponding action with the drawn vocabulary word.
After the student completes the action, the group discusses and verifies the response. If needed, other group members can help correct or refine the answer.
Once the action is completed, the next student in the group draws a new word and rolls the die.
Repeat the process until all vocabulary words have been used or a predetermined time limit is reached.
After the game, review the vocabulary words as a class. Discuss any challenging words and ensure everyone understands their meanings and uses.
Expanding arrows icon in white on purple background


Vocabulary Reference Cards: Provide a vocabulary reference card containing the word’s definition, an example sentence, synonyms, antonyms, a visual aid, and an action clue to offer immediate assistance and reinforce understanding. This allows students to participate confidently in the game and engage with the vocabulary terms effectively.
Different Die: Use dice with different numbers of sides to limit or add options. Limiting options ensures the game remains accessible and effective, providing consistent practice with just a few student actions. Using dice with additional sides can introduce more challenge through a greater variety of student actions.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Partner or Group Rotation: After a certain time has elapsed, rotate partners or groups to allow students to work with additional classmates.
Optional Scoring: To make the game more competitive, introduce a scoring system. Award points for correct answers and creative representations.
Mystery Cards: To add a random, fun element, introduce mystery cards that can be drawn at any point in the game. Here are some examples of mystery card actions:
Swap Words: Swap your word with another group’s word.
Double Points: Earn double points for your next correct action.
Team Challenge: Complete the next action as a team.
Skip Turn: Skip your turn and choose another student to go next.
Extra Roll: Roll the die twice and choose which of the two actions to perform.
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