Instructional Strategy

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Vocabulary One-Pager


K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Acquire Vocabulary
/ Develop Language (MLL)
< 20



Before, during, and after reading


Vocabulary One-Pager graphic organizer (four-,five-, and six-word versions), whiteboard or display, writing utensil
Chat bubble with list icon in green on white background


Hand in green sleeve holding blank white paper against teal background.
© beast01—iStock/ Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
The Vocabulary One-Pager is a visual teaching tool for building vocabulary. It allows students to create their own definitions by combining symbols, pictures, and phrases. This strategy can be used before, during, or after reading to help students understand and remember new words. It engages both visual and verbal learning processes, fostering stronger connections and improving word retention.
Curved arrows forming square in orange on white background


Introduce the topic of the lesson and the lesson vocabulary.
Distribute a Vocabulary One-Pager graphic organizer (four-, five-, or six-word version) to each student, or instruct them to create one by dividing a blank notebook page into a section for each vocabulary word.
Display the Vocabulary One-Pager to the class and explain that each section should contain one vocabulary word. Instruct students to add words, symbols, or pictures that represent the word’s meaning in each section.
Demonstrate the process by choosing one vocabulary word, and fill in a section with related symbols, pictures, and words. Model a think-aloud to explain your thought process and why you chose these specific elements to represent the word’s meaning.
Direct students to complete the remainder of the Vocabulary One-Pager. Remind them to include given vocabulary words along with symbols, pictures, or words that align with the provided definitions. Encourage them to add new insights or connections as they read, enhancing their one-pager as their understanding grows.
Emphasize to students that they might encounter words that are new to them. They should add these vocabulary words and symbols, pictures, and words based on the definition provided. Share that as they read, they can add to their one-pager any new thoughts or understandings that surface.
If time permits, encourage students to share their one-pagers with a partner. Ask them to explain the pictures or words they used.
Expanding arrows icon in white on purple background


Connected Words One-Pager: Students complete the Vocabulary One-Pager, placing related words next to each other and noting their connections, which helps them understand and reinforce the relationships between vocabulary terms.

Multilingual Learning Support

Beginning Proficiency: Include essential supports by dividing each vocabulary section into two parts—one for students’ home language and one for English representations. Have students draw their symbols and pictures in the center of each section and then add labels in both languages around the image. Provide picture dictionaries and word banks to support students in selecting relevant words and phrases to add to their sections. This approach allows students to build meaning through both languages while developing visual representations of new vocabulary.
Intermediate Proficiency: Support vocabulary development by having students organize each section with the target word in English at the top, related words and phrases in both English and their home language around their drawings, and simple English sentences at the bottom explaining their visual choices. Guide students to identify and note any cognates or familiar word parts within each vocabulary term. When students share with partners, provide sentence frames to help students explain the connections between their visuals and the word meanings in English.
Advanced Proficiency: Build sophisticated vocabulary understanding by having students create detailed sections that showcase different aspects of each word’s meaning. Ask them to include the target word, their original visual representation, related academic vocabulary, and a brief written explanation of why they chose their visuals. For younger students, focus on clear one-to-one connections between words and images with simple supporting vocabulary. Encourage older students to show multiple meanings or uses of words through their visuals and supporting text. When students share, have them use precise academic language to explain how their visuals represent specific aspects of each word’s meaning.
Overlapping documents icon in light blue on white background


Collaborative Vocabulary One-Pager: Organize students into groups of three, and assign each group one vocabulary word. Provide a large sheet of paper for them to create a visual representation of their word using symbols, drawings, and other relevant words. Display the finished work on the classroom wall to create a shared visual glossary for the class to reference.
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