Lesson MINI

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Introduction to Civics




Social Studies


Civics & Government
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A smiling young woman stands next to a voting booth.
© adamkaz — E+/Getty Images

In this lesson mini, students are introduced to civics by exploring the concept of citizenship, analyzing how citizenship is obtained and which groups historically have been excluded. Students also evaluate the rights and responsibilities of citizenships and participate in collaborative projects, guided reading activities, and enriching class debates.

Ideas for Implementation
Science or Social Studies
Library media
Learning centers
Intervention or enrichment
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Key Vocabulary & Definitions
apartheid (noun): a system of laws in South Africa (1948–1994) that separated people by race, giving white people more rights and power while discriminating against Black people and other non-white groups
civics (noun): the study of how government works and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens
civil rights (noun): rights protected by law that ensure all people are treated fairly and equally in a society, such as the right to vote or to receive an education
debate (noun): a structured discussion in which people present different views or arguments about an issue
democracy (noun): a system of government in which citizens have the power to make decisions by voting for their leaders and laws
human rights (noun): basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person from birth, regardless of who they are or where they live, including the rights to life, safety, and fair treatment
suffrage (noun): the right of citizens to vote in elections
voting (noun): the act of choosing between candidates, ideas, or proposals by marking a ballot or raising your hand to express your choice
Authentic Learning Extensions
Authentic learning opportunities for studying civics involve real-world experiences and practical applications that help students understand the concept of citizen rights and responsibilities meaningfully. Here are some examples:
Community Service: Encourage students to put into practice their citizen responsibilities and participate in a local community project of their choice. This hands-on approach teaches students the importance of becoming active community members.
Local Government Connection: Invite a city council member or school board member to speak to the class. Have students prepare questions about local issues that affect them (park improvements, school bus routes, after-school programs) to learn how local government affects their daily lives.
School Improvement Project: Have students identify an issue in their school community (lunch options, recess equipment, recycling program), research it, create a proposal for improvement, and present it to school administration. This teaches students the process of civic action and democratic change.
Youth Advisory Board: Partner with local organizations (library, parks department, youth center) that have youth advisory boards and help interested students apply to serve on a board. This shows students that they can have real input in community decisions.

Choose Activity

Introduction to Civics



What Is Civics?

By the end of the activity, students will be able to explain core civic principles by participating in simulated democratic processes through voting, writing, and debate activities.




Devices such as Chromebooks or tablets (one per student)
Whiteboard and display
Writing utensils


Prepare for the Activity: Prepare the Voting Rights, Freedom of Speech, and Debate Issues stations (see step 7).
Tell students that during today’s activity they will explore civics through discussion and hands-on activities that demonstrate how democracy works in everyday life.
Begin by displaying what civics means to them. After gathering students’ responses, write this definition on the board: “civics (noun): the study of how the government works and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens.” Guide a class discussion by asking these questions:
How do citizens participate in their communities?
What responsibilities do we have as members of our community?
What civic actions have you observed in your own life?
Tell students that they will read a short article about civics to better understand how democracy works. Distribute the Civics article with the All About Civics handout to each student.
Give students time to read the article independently and respond to the questions on the handout. Circulate to support students who may need help.
Lead a class discussion of students’ answers to the handout questions, highlighting how civic engagement shapes our daily lives, specifically focusing on voting rights, freedom of speech, and respectful debate.
Introduce the three interactive stations that will let students practice civic participation. Organize students into three main groups and then create smaller teams of four to five students within each group. Review expectations for group work and rotation timing.
Preview each station’s activities by explaining the expected tasks:
Station 1 (Voting Rights): Students begin by completing the Voting Rights Questionnaire, where they can share their personal opinions on a variety of issues. Afterward, each smaller team tallies their responses and creates a visual representation (e.g., tally chart or bar graph) of their collective opinions. Model the expectation with a Teacher Model Questionnaire Poster Board.
Station 2 (Freedom of Speech): Student teams begin by completing the Freedom of Speech handout, which asks them to choose a newspaper headline as a prompt and then brainstorm an outline of a five-paragraph newspaper article. Afterward, student teams use digital devices to collaborate on a shared document and write their newspaper article.
Station 3 (Debate Issues): Students begin by completing the Debate Issues handout, which asks them to reflect on the question of whether or not voting should be mandatory in the United States. Afterward, students engage in a group discussion, exchange ideas, and analyze different perspectives.
Reassemble the class and call on student volunteers to share what they worked on in their small teams. Encourage students to present their voting data, read their newspaper articles, and discuss what they learned from hearing different viewpoints.
Wrap up the activity by connecting students’ station activities to real-world civic engagement. Lead a final reflection by asking the following questions:
How do citizens make their voices heard in our democracy?
What civic actions could you take to improve your school or community?
Why is it important for all citizens to be involved in their democracy?
Article Reading: Consider reading the article as a whole class and answering the questions orally for a more discussion-oriented approach. This benefits students’ learning because it helps them build active listening skills, practice engaging in respectful discussions, and explore varying perspectives.
Written Responses: After the concluding discussion, ask students to write a reflection on the following question: “What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens?” This benefits students’ learning because it enables them to synthesize the information discussed in class in a written format.
Rotation Assignment: If time is a constraint, assign students to a specific station in order to explore one democratic principle mentioned in the Civics article. This benefits students’ learning because it offers them the opportunity for in-depth and hands-on engagement of the civil rights outlined in the article.
Technology Integration at Station Activities: Offer students the opportunity to use digital devices to research voting rights in the United States and explore the concept of voting being optional for U.S. citizens. In addition, consider using voting apps, such as Mentimeter, to create polls and quizzes and have students vote on different issues.
Parallel Teaching: For collaborative teaching and learning environments, this learning activity is well suited to a Parallel Teaching strategy. In this model, the class is divided into two groups, and each teacher delivers the same activity simultaneously to their group. This reduces the student-teacher ratio, allowing for more interaction and individualized attention. With smaller groups, students are more likely to participate actively and receive immediate feedback, which fosters a deeper understanding of the content and promotes a more engaging learning experience. Evidence suggests that small-group instruction leads to increased student engagement and improved academic outcomes.
Introduction to Civics



What Is Citizenship?

By the end of the activity, students will be able to explain the concept of citizenship and identify different viewpoints and ideals about citizenships held by political figures throughout history.



Tell students that during today’s activity they will explore what citizenship means through discussion, analysis of historical quotes, and creative group work that connects citizenship to their own lives.
Start with a quick Think-Pair-Share activity about what citizenship means to students. Then introduce a broader definition: “Citizenship includes the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of being a member of a country.” Guide an opening discussion with the following questions:
What rights do citizens have in different countries around the world?
How do citizens participate in their communities?
Display the Citizenship article and ask students to follow along on their devices as you read the introduction aloud. Afterward, lead a discussion that connects to students’ prior knowledge by asking these questions:
Why did ancient cities need citizens to participate?
How has citizenship changed from ancient times to today?
What makes someone want to become a citizen of a new country?
Share Abraham Lincoln’s quote “A house divided against itself cannot stand” on the whiteboard and model how to analyze it. Guide students to reflect on its meaning, identify the symbolism of the words house and divided, and discuss how this connects to citizenship and the United States. Ask these questions:
What problem was Lincoln addressing?
What does this mean for citizens today?
How do citizens work together despite differences?
Direct students to use their devices to view the “Concept of Citizenship” section of the Citizenship article, and give each student a Concept of Citizenship Discussion Questions handout.
Have students work in pairs to read the first part of the “Concept of Citizenship” section, which addresses how different political figures (Aristotle, Kant, and Lincoln) have defined the concept of citizenship throughout history. Instruct students to work together but to each complete their own copy of the handout. Emphasize that they will have to answer comprehension questions and analyze quotes, noting how different thinkers defined good citizenship.
Gather the class and invite student volunteers to use their responses to explore how citizenship connects to their daily lives. Ask follow-up questions and facilitate a class discussion on the concept of citizenship based on the ideas presented by students.
Organize students into four small groups and introduce their creative challenge: Design a visual representation of Lincoln’s quote “Government of the people, by the people, for the people” that connects to modern citizenship.
Guide groups to use digital tools to create their designs:
Brainstorm modern examples of citizen participation.
Choose symbols that represent their ideas.
Include words and images that connect to their lives.
Consider multiple perspectives in their designs.
Invite students to go on a gallery walk to examine their classmates’ work. Encourage students to give each other kind feedback on their visual representations.
Close by giving each student a large note card and asking them to create a “Citizenship in Action” card that describes the following:
Their definition of citizenship
One way they can be an active citizen
Why citizenship matters to them
Guided Practice: Analyze Abraham Lincoln’s quote from the article referring to “government of the people, by the people, for the people” as a whole class using a spider diagram to activate students’ thinking and prompt a more enriching group discussion and output. This benefits students’ learning because it fosters their critical thinking skills in a more supported setting.
Quote Research: Invite students to research famous quotes by Aristotle, Kant, and Lincoln about citizenship. Instruct them to pick a few quotes to analyze and then write a response on how each quote is related to the rights and responsibilities of citizens. This benefits students’ learning because it helps them develop research and critical thinking skills.
Artwork: Instead of having students create a visual representation using digital design tools, consider offering the option to represent the quote on a poster board with colored pencils and markers, through a 3-D representation, or even a collage. This hands-on activity benefits students’ learning by encouraging creative and artistic thinking.
Team Teaching: For collaborative teaching and learning environments, this learning activity is well suited to a Team Teaching strategy. In this model, sometimes referred to as “tag team teaching,” both teachers deliver instruction together, often alternating or integrating their teaching styles seamlessly. This collaborative approach provides students with multiple perspectives and teaching styles, enriching their learning experience. By modeling effective teamwork and communication, this approach demonstrates how different viewpoints can enhance understanding and create a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. Evidence indicates that team teaching can enhance student engagement and provide a richer, more diverse educational experience.
Activity Introduction: Teacher A begins the activity by leading the class discussion on citizenship.
Article Reading and Analysis: Teacher B displays the Citizenship article and leads the discussion of the introduction. Teacher A models how to analyze Lincoln’s quote related to citizenship and then distributes the first part of the Citizenship article along with the Concept of Citizenship Discussion Questions handout while Teacher B instructs students to read the “Concept of Citizenship” section with a partner and complete the handout.
Class Discussion: Both teachers gather the class and facilitate a class discussion on the handout answers by asking follow-up questions and prompting students to reflect on the concept of citizenship.
Group Work: Teacher A divides the class into small groups and asks them to create a visual representation of Lincoln’s quote from the article.
Activity Wrap-Up: Teacher A wraps up the activity by asking students to write their personal definitions of citizenship on a large note card while Teacher B distributes the note cards.
Introduction to Civics



What Are Exclusions from Citizenship?

By the end of the activity, students will be able to explain citizenship exclusion, identify historically excluded groups, and discuss how social movements have expanded citizenship rights.




Devices such as Chromebooks or tablets (one per student)
Images that represent citizenship exclusion (enslaved people, women’s suffrage movements, the civil rights movement)
Whiteboard and display
Writing utensils


Prepare for the Activity: Display or write the following terms and definitions on the board (see step 5):
human rights (noun): basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person from birth, regardless of who they are or where they live, including the rights to life, safety, and fair treatment
civil rights (noun): rights protected by law that ensure all people are treated fairly and equally in a society, such as the right to vote or to receive an education
suffrage (noun): the right of citizens to vote in elections
apartheid (noun): a system of laws in South Africa (1948–1994) that separated people by race, giving white people more rights and power while discriminating against Black people and other non-white groups
Tell students that during today’s activity they will explore the concept of citizenship exclusion by reading and analyzing an article, completing a handout, and creating a timeline.
Begin the activity by defining the word exclusion as the “act of not allowing somebody to participate in an activity or to enter a place.” Ask students these questions:
Have you ever been or felt left out or excluded from something (e.g., playing a game, going on a roller coaster ride, going to a birthday party)?
How did you feel?
Use Britannica School, ImageQuest, or another royalty-free resource to display historical images that show how different groups worked to gain equal rights in the United States (e.g., suffrage movements, civil rights marches, labor unions, disability rights advocates). As you display each image, prompt students to describe what they see and invite them to reflect on how different minority groups might have felt by being excluded. Guide students to
describe what they observe in each image,
consider how these groups might have felt being excluded, and
make connections to their own experiences with exclusion.
Guide students to think about historical citizenship exclusion with these questions:
Which groups have been unfairly excluded from having citizenship rights?
How do you think different groups felt when they were not granted equal rights?
Which group has historically had more power and influence?
Direct students’ attention to the text displayed or written on the board. Pre-teach these concepts, which appear in the “Exclusions from Citizenship” subsection of the Citizenship article (within the “Concept of Citizenship” section).
human rights: rights and freedoms that all humans have simply because they are human; for example, the rights to live and the right to speak freely.
civil rights: rights that humans have based on laws and judicial decisions made by governments; for example, the right to vote, the right to public education, and the right to a fair trial
suffrage: the right to vote; for example, the women’s suffrage movement resulted in women in the United States being given the right to vote in the 1920s
apartheid: the South African government’s policy of discrimination—racial, political, and economic—enforced by the white government against the country’s non-white majority in the second half of the 20th century
Ensure students understand these concepts by asking follow-up questions and prompting students to share examples of each concept presented (see suggested examples above).
Direct students to use their devices to view the ”Exclusions from Citizenship” subsection of the Citizenship article, and give each student an Exclusions from Citizenship Discussion Questions handout. Instruct students to read the text with a partner and then complete the handout. Note: Each student will complete their own copy of the handout.
Reassemble the class and guide students to reflect on how different minority groups have been excluded from citizenship throughout history. Ask:
How do you think people feel when they are not granted equal rights?
Do you think these issues are still relevant today?
Give each student a Timeline graphic organizer and invite them to create individual timelines highlighting key events from the text that show changes in citizenship rights for different groups. Encourage them to organize events by type of exclusion (race, gender, etc.).
Gather the class and call on student volunteers to share the historical events they highlighted in their timelines. Create a collaborative class timeline, having students contribute their findings. Consider having different student volunteers write on the whiteboard or on a poster board. Discuss patterns they notice about when and how changes occurred. Ask these questions:
Historically, what have been some of the challenges of different minority groups in the United States and on a global scale?
What have been some of the achievements of these groups?
Wrap up the activity with a discussion connecting past exclusion to present-day citizenship issues. Consider reviewing the meaning of the word exclusion and displaying more thought-provoking images about exclusion to activate students’ thinking. Then invite students to reflect on current events and ask the following questions:
What groups still face challenges accessing full citizenship rights today?
How does understanding past exclusion help us create a more inclusive future?
What actions can we take to ensure equal rights for all?
Guiding Questions: Provide historical context on the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, and apartheid by offering students the opportunity to engage with historical fiction and nonfiction media (e.g., documentaries, series, and movies) in order to build their background knowledge and enrich classroom discussions. This benefits students’ learning because it helps them build text-to-world connections.
Citizenship Exclusion Research: Invite students to research a present-day issue of citizenship exclusion. Have students write a five-paragraph essay that describes and analyzes the issue and proposes different solutions. This benefits students’ learning because it gives them the opportunity to build their research skills and think critically about how the past influences the present.
Socratic Seminar: Wrap up the activity by facilitating a Socratic seminar around the concept of citizenship exclusion. To do this, provide students with a list of questions to research and prepare, such as “How do you think citizenship exclusions in the past affected the status quo?” Consider also asking students to watch specific movies, documentaries, or videos that showcase the struggles and achievements of minorities throughout history. This benefits students’ learning because Socratic seminars foster critical and analytical thinking; they also teach students how to listen actively and respectfully, exchange ideas effectively, and view issues from different perspectives.
One Teaching, One Assisting: For collaborative teaching and learning environments, this learning activity is well suited to a One Teaching, One Assisting strategy. In this model, one teacher leads the activity while the other circulates, assisting individual students as needed. This ensures that when students encounter difficulties, they receive immediate help in the form of personalized support and answers to their questions. By addressing students’ unique needs and keeping them on track, this approach enhances individual learning experiences and fosters a supportive classroom environment. Studies indicate that immediate feedback and individualized attention can significantly enhance student understanding and retention of material.
Activity Introduction: The lead teacher introduces the concept of exclusion and leads a class discussion drawing on students’ personal experiences. The assisting teacher circulates the room and ensures students actively participate in the discussion and then prepares the images for the next activity.
Image Exploration: The lead teacher displays images that represent the exclusions and struggles of minority groups throughout history and leads a class discussion focused on the unfair exclusion of minority groups from citizenship rights. The assisting teacher circulates the room, ensures students actively participate in the discussion, and provides assistance as needed.
Key Vocabulary: The lead teacher pre-teaches concepts that appear in the “Exclusions from Citizenship” subsection of the Citizenship article (human rights, civil rights, suffrage, and apartheid) and asks follow-up questions and prompts students to share examples of each concept presented. The assisting teacher writes the definitions on the whiteboard and records students’ thoughts.
Article Reading and Questions: The assisting teacher distributes the Exclusions from Citizenship Discussion Questions handout while the lead teacher instructs students to read the “Exclusions from Citizenship” subsection with a partner and then complete the handout independently.
Class Discussion: The lead teacher reassembles the class and guides students to reflect on how different minority groups have been excluded from citizenship throughout history by asking guiding and open-ended questions.
Timeline: The assisting teacher distributes a Timeline graphic organizer to each student while the lead teacher asks students to work independently to mark key historical events mentioned in the Citizenship article. After students complete their independent work, the assisting teacher leads a whole-class discussion of the key events students identified.
Activity Wrap-Up: Both teachers wrap up the activity by facilitating a class reflection on citizenship exclusion.
Introduction to Civics



What Are the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens?

By the end of the activity, students will be able to compare and contrast citizen rights and responsibilities.




Coloring supplies
Devices such as Chromebooks or tablets (one per student)
Glue (a few per group)
Newspapers and magazines (a few per group)
Poster board (one per group)
Scissors (a few per group)
Whiteboard and display
Writing utensils


Prepare for the Activity: Display or write the following terms and definitions on the board (see step 7):
American Declaration of Independence: a document adopted on July 4, 1776, that declared American colonies free from British rule
bill of rights: a written statement that spells out the rights of citizens and the limitations of the government
constitution: a written statement that spells out how the government should operate and the limitations of the government
democracy: a form of government in which citizens have the right to choose their own leaders through a formal voting process
Tell students that during today’s activity they will explore citizen rights and responsibilities through a guided reading and discussion and collaborative group project.
Begin the activity activating prior knowledge about citizenship. Ask students these questions:
How do people become citizens in different countries?
What rights and responsibilities do you think citizens have?
Direct students to view the Citizenship article on their devices, specifically the “Becoming a Citizen” subsection (within the “Concept of Citizenship” section). Instruct students to read the selection independently and note the main ideas. Then use the following questions as a comprehension check to guide a whole class discussion:
What are the main ways to become a citizen in many countries?
What do you think are your rights and responsibilities as a citizen?
Define the terms rights and responsibilities with student-friendly examples:
Rights are things we are entitled to have (such as education and health care).
Responsibilities are duties we are expected to fulfill (such as following laws and helping our community).
Draw or display a large T-chart on the whiteboard with the words rights and responsibilities at the top of the two columns. Then give each student a T-Chart graphic organizer.
Model the T-chart activity by brainstorming examples as a class. Then have students work in pairs to add more examples to their own charts.
Rights examples: voting, education, safety, fair trial, freedom of speech
Responsibilities examples: recycling, volunteering, paying taxes
Direct students’ attention to the text displayed or written on the board. Pre-teach these terms, which appear in the “Rights and Responsibilities” subsection of the Citizenship article (within the “Concept of Citizenship” section).
American Declaration of Independence: a document adopted on July 4, 1776, that declared American colonies free from British rule
bill of rights: a written statement that spells out the rights of citizens and the limitations of the government
constitution: a written statement that spells out how the government should operate
democracy: a form of government in which citizens have the right to choose their own leaders through a formal voting process
Introduce the group project for this activity: a collaborative collage to reflect students’ understanding of citizen rights and responsibilities.
Divide the class into groups of four or five students.
Tell students to read and discuss the “Rights and Responsibilities” subsection of the Citizenship article within their groups.
Give each group a copy of the Citizen Rights and Responsibilities handout to fill out together.
Explain that groups will create collages showing their understanding of citizen rights and responsibilities. Show the Teacher Model Collage and provide clear criteria for student success with the activity.
Provide each group with a poster board, writing utensils and coloring supplies, glue, scissors, and magazines and newspapers. Consider having students use digital devices to research images online and print them out.
Have groups present their collages. They should give specific examples to explain how their images represent rights and responsibilities.
Wrap up the activity with a reflection discussion by asking students the following questions:
What are some action steps you can take as a citizen to make your community a better place?
Which citizen rights and responsibilities do you consider most important?
Visual Aids: Provide a variety of visual aids representing citizen rights and responsibilities to activate students’ thinking and enrich class discussion. This supports students’ learning because picture exploration and analysis can help students internalize new concepts.
Compare and Contrast: Invite students to compare and contrast human rights and civil rights using a T-chart or Venn diagram graphic organizer. This supports students’ learning by enabling them to complete a comparative analysis and explore in depth how these rights shape citizen responsibilities.
Role-Play: Instead of creating a collage to represent citizen rights and responsibilities, have students write a mini play based on the question “What are citizen rights and responsibilities?” Encourage students to write a script with a conflict and resolution. This benefits students’ learning because it helps them build their creativity and develop public speaking skills.
Team Teaching: For collaborative teaching and learning environments, this learning activity is well suited to a Team Teaching strategy. In this model, sometimes referred to as “tag team teaching,” both teachers deliver instruction together, often alternating or integrating their teaching styles seamlessly. This collaborative approach provides students with multiple perspectives and teaching styles, enriching their learning experience. By modeling effective teamwork and communication, this approach demonstrates how different viewpoints can enhance understanding and create a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. Evidence indicates that team teaching can enhance student engagement and provide a richer, more diverse educational experience.
Activity Introduction: Teacher A begins the activity by leading the class discussion of citizenship.
Article Reading: Teacher B directs students to the “Becoming a Citizen” subsection of the Citizenship article and instructs students to note the main ideas as they read independently. Teacher B checks reading comprehension through open-ended questions.
Rights and Responsibilities: Teacher A defines the words rights and responsibilities and models for students how to complete the T-Chart graphic organizer. Teacher B distributes the graphic organizer.
Key Vocabulary: Teacher A pre-teaches key vocabulary words that appear in the “Rights and Responsibilities” subsection of the Citizenship article.
Group Work: Teacher A divides the class into groups and tells students to read the “Rights and Responsibilities” subsection of the Citizenship article within their groups and complete the Citizen Rights and Responsibilities handout together.
Collages: Teacher B instructs the class to work in their groups to create collages that show their understanding of citizen rights and responsibilities. Both teachers circulate the room to support the groups and then reassemble the class so that students can share their work.
Activity Wrap-Up: Both teachers conclude the activity by leading a discussion based on the reflection questions.
Introduction to Civics





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